If your current business does not have a sufficient merchant account that allow you full credit card services, you are going back on your business profit. Just take a one look all your competitors. All of that work with a bank that allow him accept credit card payment. If you not have credit card service do not have great sales figure to show on balance sheet. Static’s show that companies have credit card service earn more profit instead of other companies that have not service.
Now a day business static’s shown that the transactions of cash and checks has been more expensive, requiring man power in handling, studies of business shown that average transaction of credit card Is only 2.8% while the other cost is more then 4% on every transaction in terms of cheque and cash.
The question is that how do you credit card payment in your business? The answer is that where credit cards service come in. The old step is apply for a merchant account in bank. You will need to lease the software and necessary equipment to get actually payment and send data to your account. If you want to accept credit cards payment online. You need to apply real time credit card online transactions service.
In choosing the bank or finical institution before opening a merchant account, also make sure that they are experienced in handling merchant account and online transactions.
If you are a business owner, check that bank or financial institution can easily handle small business rather than large business company. In this way, you will get better rate and packages for opening a merchant account.
One of the most important service of credit card that offer you every thing you need in small and easy package. You will not handle a large transaction and entry procedure. This option also increase your reporting skill, credit card sales figure. Banks also offers a interest on a credit card sale income, according to market rates.