If you know about Internet marketing, this is sure that you must also know about squidoo lens. Mostly people who made an squidoo lens not make money on it. These people use this lens for only marketing purpose of a website.
Proper keyword search
Before making an squidoo lens you must know about proper keyword search, for this purpose you can use free keyword tool “Google adword keyword tool”. You must also sure that your search exact according to your topic. In this way, you can get monthly 1000 exact traffic to your lens.
You can only focus only Google ten result because that is your target what you are looking. You can check all your website static’s using seo quake Fire fox plugin. This plugin show Page rank of all website, alexa, and niche. If any website shown green light its mean it has page rank 1.
Time to monetize the lens
When you pick up your website keyword, it is time to actually marking of your lens. You are join free affiliate program to promote your lens. You must do bookmaking, forum posting, and directories submission for increasing traffic to your lens.
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