Business management is defined as process of combination, planning and control on business activities. To make business successful is it necessary, business must be profitable, long-term, and easy to dissolve. Task of business management are control of business, profit-making of business, business success, business stability and strategies.
This all process control by business management. Business management has full knowledge working, process, depression, economical, taxes of country and Global level. In additional business management has full experience of finance, marketing, merchandising, research in business. These all activities make a business successful in short time such as another small earn business of a country.
Business management control supplies, customer services, purchasing, production, and loan.
Production manager
Production manager of a business purchase raw material and process manager take some action on it. Goods of a business transfer with the help of transportation. Marketing management control output of, what is the trend in market, what is the price of good, what is the future trend of people, what is the next trend of people, all these thing control by highly qualified marketing manager. They also manage advertising, promotion, and sales of company.
Account manager
Account manager collect data from all areas of a business and join it, after that it consider cost of production, salaries, wages, and transportation expenses all about it give correct profit and loss statement to the business management. Business account manager give correct information of Assets and liabilities of a company.
Human Resource
Human resource manager define area of employees, which required in future, or rejection of employees. It inform to business management, which take action on this area. Information manager make flow between firm employees, customer, supplier and management. It gives Internet access to every employee
Importance of business management
Business management is important and necessary part of every firm now a day. A company now runs with out it. This fixed capital, loans, trading, and assets of a company. Good business management is run company successfully in short time; all about business management control all aspect, which related with a company.
Some time success of a business management depends upon working people, suppliers, customer, buyer and seller. Now a day USA and china are Geographically, politically, economically, and defensible lead all over the world. This is possible with strong management, knowledge, working, and strategies.
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